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We Help Businesses Grow Through Core Marketing Channels.  

Welcome to NAX

We use tested and proven marketing strategies across multiple platforms to sky rocket business growth.

Explode Your Business With Us


Content Creation

Brand Building

We Do It All



We will sit down and discuss which advertising platforms will give you the right exposure to build your brand as fast as possible. There are multiple ways to get your brand out there, but often we see businesses go into the wrong markets, on the wrong platforms and pay extortionate prices to get a seat at the table. We will ensure you enter the right markets, that get the best performance results and with the perfect marketing plan that resonates with your customer. 



A huge part of building your brand is the aesthetics of your business. All the content you put out for potential and existing clients to see, has an impact on your brand. We will transform your website, advertising and social media content to increase customer conversion rates, organic sales and public engagement. Allowing your business to attract more customers for less money and grow your overall brand awareness.


Social Media Ads

One of the most important parts of growing a business is paid advertising. It is scary how much money businesses leave on the table if they don't invest in paid advertising on social media. Facebook and Google are two of the most powerful companies in the world and they are at your discretion, so it is extremely important to take advantage of these platforms.  We will use Facebook Ads, Google Ads and Influencer Ads to make an instant impact to start scaling your business incredibly fast. Our Ad campaigns are tailored to your business's needs and designed to unlock growth and generate + ROI.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is an incredibly important part of our marketing plans. Email campaigns generate organic sales and repeat sales, convert interested customers and help build a community within your customer base. It's so crucial to be taking advantage of an automated email campaign because it can boost the performances of your paid advertising campaigns, and make once-off buyers, life lasting customers.



We help businesses scale incredibly fast, and while this is amazing, if your infrastructure cannot handle the increased client base size, you can run into serious problems that negatively impact the performance of your Ad campaigns. Depending on your business, we will help you identify what will be crucial in the infrastructure when scaling quickly. Examples could be customer service, salesmen, lead responders or administrative tasks, the needs will differ from business to business. Once we understand your business's needs and make the necessary changes, we can easily scale your business to the moon!

 The Full Package To Explode Your Business 

What We Do

Facebook Ads

Ad Campaigns

Digital Referral Program

Referral Funnels to bring in cosmetic dental patients every week

Google Ads

Ad Campaigns

Email Campaigns

Automated Email Systems 

Website Design

Website Design/Creation Built For High Conversion Rates

© 2020 by NAX Agency. Created by NAX Agency Designs

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